- Print
- DarkLight
Enable a specific output module for an organization.
organization id
output module name to enable
data type for output
what to name this output
if specified, only events part of this investigation id will be sent to this output
if specified, only events coming from sensors with the specific tag will be sent to this output
if specified, only detections in this category will be sent to this output
if the json should be flattened (true, false)
if data should be sent compressed (true, false)
directory for output
max size in bytes before rotation
maximum number of output in rotation
name of the bucket for output
public key id for auth
seconds per output files
destination host for output
username for auth
slack channel to output to
whether connection should be secured over tls (true, false)
whether protocol header should be sent before the data (true, false)
if enabled, the output will be deleted as soon as a connection error occurs (true, false)
whitelist of event types to allow
blacklist of event types to disallow
blacklist of categories to disallow
topic to publish on from the routing of then event
literal topic to publish on
if true, do not include event routing, acts as an event pass-through
sample events out as 1/sample_rate
include the event as a JSON string instead of a JSON object
encapsulate the data inside a JSON object with a key equal to the event type
custom transform expression
structured data expression
password for auth
slack api token
secret key for auth
successful operation
Access token is missing or invalid