  • 15 Oct 2024
  • 11 Minutes to read
  • Contributors
  • Dark


  • Dark

Article summary


The Artifact Collection system allows you to ingest artifact types like:

  • Plain text logs (syslog for example)

  • Windows Event Logs

  • PCAPs

  • Windows Prefetch files

  • Windows PE (executables) files

  • Zeek (previously Bro)

  • Full memory dumps

  • Generic JSON

  • OLE (MS Word, Excel etc)

  • Windows MFT CSV Listing

  • Apple Binary/XML plists

Those artifacts can be ingested from hosts running a LimaCharlie Sensor, or they can be pushed to the LimaCharlie platform via a REST interface.

Once ingested, the artifacts are retained and made available to you with a custom retention period. Ingested artifacts are also indexed similarly to LimaCharlie events. This means that you can search all of your artifact for the last year for Indicators like IP Addresses, Domain Names, User Names, Hashes etc.

This in turn makes it possible for you to be looking at sensor data, identify an IP of interest, and launch a quick search to see if this IP has been observed in any artifacts over the past year. If it has, with one click you can visualize the relevant artifact entries to assist you in your investigation.

We call this "artifact operationalization". It is not meant to be a general viewing and querying tool like Splunk, but as a tactical tool providing you with critical answers as you need them during security operations.

Note that Artifact Collection configurations are synchronized with sensors every few minutes.


There are multiple ways to ingest artifacts within LimaCharlie, depending on the need of the user.

Please note, if you are looking for real-time streaming of a file (such as a system log), we'd recommend using the file adapter instead of Artifact Collection.

Using LC Sensors

The LimaCharlie sensor can be used to retrieve artifact files directly from hosts.


To instruct the ingestion of an artifact file located on a host where LC is installed, simply issue the artifact_get command. You should receive two events in response to this command: a general receipt indicating the sensor received the command, and a response with a status code indicating whether the ingestion was successful (an error code of 200 (as in HTTP) indicates success).

artifact_get --type pcap --file /path/to/file.pcap --days-retention $days

Using the Extension

File Collection - Artifact Collection Rules

With the Artifact Collection Extension enabled, a new section should be open in the web interface. It will allow you to manage the automatic collection of files from your fleet without manual input or configuration.

The extension manages this through the use of Rules that specify a set of Platforms (like Windows), Tags (sensor tags), a retention time and file patterns.

Rules define which file path patterns should be monitored for changes and ingested for specific sets of hosts.

Filter tags are tags that must ALL be present on a sensor for it to match (ANDed), while the platform of the sensor much match one of the platforms in the filter (ORed).

Patterns are file path where the file expression at the end of the path can contain patterns line (*, ?, +).

These wildcards are NOT supported in the path portion of the pattern. Windows directory separators (backslash, \) must be escaped like \\.

  • Good example: /var/log/*.1

  • Bad example: /var/*/syslog

Note that matching files are watched for changes. When a change is detected, the entire file is ingested. This means you usually want to target logs that get rolled over after a certain time.

For example syslog is rolled from syslog to syslog.1 after a day, you want to target syslog.1 to avoid duplicating records from a file being appended to.

Rules may also specify special accesses to log. For example, specifying a rule with a file path of wel://Security:* will begin collection of the Windows Event Logs (wel) in real-time directly from the sensor. See the Windows Event Logs section below.

Network Capture - PCAP Capture Rules

The extension also offers a rule system to do network capture from the host. This feature is currently only available on Linux.

Screenshot 2024-01-10 at 11.02.08 AM.png

To see the network interfaces available for capture, issue the pcap_ifaces command to the sensor.

Each capture rule filters a set of sensors per Tag. The second part of the rule is the list of patterns to capture from. Each pattern defines a network interface to use and a tcpdump-like filter expression to select traffic from that interface.

The filter part of the capture pattern will automatically receive an additional "filter out" expression that removes traffic related to LimaCharlie itself (to avoid a feedback loop of traffic).

For example, you could specify the filter:

tcp port 80

which would automatically be expanded for you as

tcp port 80 and not and not ...

These rules get synced with agents every 10 minutes. Once a capture on the agent reaches a certain threshold (about 30MB), the capture will get automatically sent to the LimaCharlie cloud as an artifact with the retention specified in the rule. From there you can specify D&R rules to process further the pcap data automatically, like using the Zeek extension.

Using the CLI

To simplify the task on ingesting via the REST API, you can use the LC CLI tool (pip install limacharlie). Using this tool, you can use the limacharlie artifacts --help command it installs. This is the recommended way of ingesting logs from external systems where LC is not installed.

Using the REST API

When the sensor is tasked to ingest an artifacts file, it itself uses the REST API.

The REST API uses Ingestion Keys, which can be managed through the REST API section of the LC web interface. Access to manage these Ingestion Keys requires the ingestkey.ctrl permission.

The REST endpoint is located at a per-datacenter URL. You can query the relevant URL for your Organization using this REST call.

The endpoint is authenticated using Basic Authentication with the user name being the Organization ID (OID) and the password the Ingestion Key, via a POST.

The body of the POST contains the artifact file to ingest. Additional metadata is provided using the following Header fields:

  • lc-source is a free form string used as an identifier of the origin of the artifact. When an artifact is ingested from a LC sensor, this value is the Sensor ID (SID) of the sensor.

  • lc-hint if present, this indicates to the backend how the file should be interpreted. It default to auto which results in the backend auto-detecting the formal. Currently supported hints include wel (Windows Events Log), prefetch (Windows prefetch file), pcap, txt, pe, zeek, json.

  • lc-payload-id if present, this is a globally unique identifier for the artifact file. It can be used to ingest artifacts in an idempotent way, meaning a second file ingested with this same value will be ignored.

  • lc-path if present, should be a base-64 encoded string representing the original file path of the artifact on the source system.

  • lc-part if present, is used to track multi-part artifact uploads. If set, it should be an integer starting at 0 and incrementing for every part with the last part being set to done. The lc-payload-id MUST be set and constant across all parts.

Accessing Artifacts

The left navigation contains a link to "Artifacts" which displays all artifacts ingested across all sensors in the organization. From there you can select a specific artifact and view it, or choose to download the original and/or parsed version.

You can also see the artifacts collected for a particular sensor by going to the "Sensors" section, clicking into a sensor, and then clicking on "Artifacts".

Windows Event Logs

From Real-Time Events

Only supported on Windows 2008 and up

It is possible to subscribe to receive Windows Event Logs in real-time from the sensor. By doing this, the targeted Windows Events will be sent to
the cloud as normal LimaCharlie telemetry events encapsulated in an event type of WEL. The Windows Events in those cases will be structured as JSON similarly
to other LimaCharlie telemetry. This means you can create detection and response rules that operate directly on Windows Events, or even correlate between Windows Events and native LimaCharlie telemetry events.

To configure this collection, you need to specify a special kind of log path as a collection pattern. The format is as follows:


The wel:// prefix tells LimaCharlie this is not a file at rest, but a live API request from the sensor. The EventSource part of the expression refers
to the ChannelPath described in the Windows documentation here:
The FilterExpression component refers to the Query parameter described in the same documentation. Additional documentation on the filter format can also be found here:

Examples of supported patterns:

  • wel://Security:*

  • wel://Application:*

  • wel://System:*

  • wel://Microsoft-Windows-Windows Defender/Operational:*

  • wel://Microsoft-Windows-PowerShell/Operational:*

  • wel://Microsoft-Windows-Sysmon/Operational:*

  • wel://System:Event[System[EventID=4624]]

  • wel://System:*[System[(EventID='7040')]]

These WEL events will come in to the sensor's Timeline as WEL events like:

  "EVENT": {
    "EventData": {
      "AuthenticationPackageName": "NTLM",
      "FailureReason": "%%2313",
      "IpAddress": "",
      "IpPort": "0",
      "KeyLength": "0",
      "LmPackageName": "-",
      "LogonProcessName": "NtLmSsp",
      "LogonType": "3",
      "ProcessId": "0x0",
      "ProcessName": "-",
      "Status": "0xc000006d",
      "SubStatus": "0xc0000064",
      "SubjectDomainName": "-",
      "SubjectLogonId": "0x0",
      "SubjectUserName": "-",
      "SubjectUserSid": "S-1-0-0",
      "TargetDomainName": "",
      "TargetUserName": "USER",
      "TargetUserSid": "S-1-0-0",
      "TransmittedServices": "-",
      "WorkstationName": "-"
    "System": {
      "Channel": "Security",
      "Computer": "demo-win-2016",
      "Correlation": {
        "ActivityID": "{F207C050-075F-0001-952F-331047A7DA01}"
      "EventID": "4625",
      "EventRecordID": "29089367",
      "Execution": {
        "ProcessID": "568",
        "ThreadID": "3456"
      "Keywords": "0x8010000000000000",
      "Level": "0",
      "Opcode": "0",
      "Provider": {
        "Guid": "{54849625-5478-4994-A5BA-3E3B0328C30D}",
        "Name": "Microsoft-Windows-Security-Auditing"
      "Security": "",
      "Task": "12544",
      "TimeCreated": {
        "SystemTime": "2024-05-30T22:17:45.516965200Z"
      "Version": "0",
      "_event_id": "4625"

From Files at Rest

When running D&R rules against Windows Event Logs (target: artifact and artifact type: wel) that were acquired from files at rest, although the Artifact Collection Service may ingest
the same Windows Event Log file that contains some records that have already been processed by the rules, the LimaCharlie platform will keep track of the processed EventRecordID and therefore will NOT run the same D&R rule over the same record multiple times.

This means you can safely set the Artifact Collection Service to collect various Windows Event Logs from your hosts and run D&R rules over them without risking producing the same alert multiple times.

For most Windows Event Logs available, see c:\windows\system32\winevt\logs\.

Mac Unified Logs

Like with Windows Event Logs (WEL), it is possible to collect Mac Unified Logs (MUL) in real-time from the endpoint.

The mechanism used is very similar to WEL: specify a collection rule with a log path like:


where <Predicate> is a predicate filter supplied to the API on the endpoint, selecting a subset of the local Mac Unified Logs to be streamed to the cloud.

Example: mul://process == "Safari"
Note that predicates are case sensitive.

These selected MUL events will come in to the sensor's Timeline as an event of type MUL like:

  "activityIdentifier": 0,
  "category": "entry",
  "date": 1717107501.628475,
  "level": 2,
  "nessage": "CopyData('DefaultAsciiKeyboardLayoutPasteboard' (<CFUUID 0x600001d47ac0> 425712C6-DAB1-497D-A573-168ECB75AF4A) gen: -1 item: 1264739405 flavor: 'DefaultAsciiKeyboardLayoutFlavor')",
  "process": "Safari",
  "processIdentifier": 77998,
  "sender": "CoreFoundation",
  "storeCategory": 0,
  "subsystem": "",
  "threadIdentifier": 20382671,
  "type": "log"

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