Adapter Usage
  • 05 Oct 2024
  • 6 Minutes to read
  • Contributors
  • Dark

Adapter Usage

  • Dark

Article summary

The Adapter can be used to access many different sources and many different event types. The main mechanisms specifying the source and type of events are:

  1. Adapter Type: this indicates the technical source of the events, like syslog or S3 buckets.

  2. Platform: the platform indicates the type of events that are acquired from that source, like text or carbon_black.

Depending on the Adapter Type specified, configurations that can be specified will change. Running the adapter with no command line arguments will list all available Adapter Types and their configurations.

Configurations can be provided to the adapter in one of three ways:

  1. By specifying a configuration file.

  2. By specifying the configurations via the command line in the format config-name=config-value.

  3. By specifying the configurations via the environment variables in the format config-name=config-value.

Here's an example config as a config file for an adapter using the file method of collection:

file: // The root of the config is the adapter collection method.
      installation_key: e9a3bcdf-efa2-47ae-b6df-579a02f3a54d
      oid: 8cbe27f4-bfa1-4afb-ba19-138cd51389cd
    platform: json
    sensor_seed_key: testclient3
      event_type_path: syslog-events
  file_path: /var/log/syslog


It is possible to execute multiple instances of adapters of the same type within the same adapter process, for example to have a single adapter process monitor files in multiple directories with slightly different configurations.

This is achieved by using a configuration file (as described above) with multiple YAML "documents" within like this:

      installation_key: e9a3bcdf-efa2-47ae-b6df-579a02f3a54d
      oid: 8cbe27f4-bfa1-4afb-ba19-138cd51389cd
    platform: json
    sensor_seed_key: testclient1
      event_type_path: syslog-events
  file_path: /var/log/dir1/*

      installation_key: e9a3bcdf-efa2-47ae-b6df-579a02f3a54d
      oid: 8cbe27f4-bfa1-4afb-ba19-138cd51389cd
    platform: json
    sensor_seed_key: testclient2
      event_type_path: syslog-events
  file_path: /var/log/dir2/*

      installation_key: e9a3bcdf-efa2-47ae-b6df-579a02f3a54d
      oid: 8cbe27f4-bfa1-4afb-ba19-138cd51389cd
    platform: json
    sensor_seed_key: testclient3
      event_type_path: syslog-events
  file_path: /var/log/dir3/*

Runtime Configuration

The Adapter runtime supports some custom behaviors to make it more suitable for specific deployment scenarios:

  • healthcheck: an integer that specifies a port to start an HTTP server on that can be used for healthchecks.

Core Configuration

All Adapter types support the same client_options, plus type-specific configurations. The following configurations are required for every Adapter:

  • client_options.identity.oid: the LimaCharlie Organization ID (OID) this adapter is used with.

  • client_options.identity.installation_key: the LimaCharlie Installation Key this adapter should use to identify with LimaCharlie.

  • client_options.platform: the type of data ingested through this adapter, like text, json, gcp, carbon_black, etc.

  • client_options.sensor_seed_key: an arbitrary name for this adapter which Sensor IDs (SID) are generated from, see below.


./lc-adapter file file_path=/path/to/logs.json client_options.identity.installation_key=<INSTALLATION KEY> client_options.identity.oid=<ORG ID> client_options.platform=json client_options.sensor_seed_key=<SENSOR SEED KEY> client_options.mapping.event_type_path=<EVENT TYPE FIELD> client_options.hostname=<HOSTNAME>

Parsing and Mapping

Transformation Order

Data sent via USP can be formatted in many different ways. Data is processed in a specific order as a pipeline:

  1. Regular Expression with named capture groups parsing a string into a JSON object.

  2. Built-in (in the cloud) LimaCharlie parsers that apply to specific platform values (like carbon_black).

  3. The various "extractors" defined, like EventTypePath, EventTimePath, SensorHostnamePath and SensorKeyPath.

  4. Custom Mappings directives provided by the client.


The following configurations allow you to customize the way data is ingested by the platform, including mapping and redefining fields such as the event type path and time.

  • client_options.mapping.parsing_re: regular expression with named capture groups. The name of each group will be used as the key in the converted JSON parsing.

  • client_options.mapping.sensor_key_path: indicates which component of the events represent unique sensor identifiers.

  • client_options.mapping.hostname: indicates which component of the event represents the hostname of the resulting Sensor in LimaCharlie.

  • client_options.mapping.event_type_path: indicates which component of the event represents the Event Type of the resulting event in LimaCharlie. It also supports template strings based on each event.

  • client_options.mapping.event_time_path: indicates which component of the event represents the Event Time of the resulting event in LimaCharlie.

  • client_options.mapping.rename_only: deprecated

  • client_options.mapping.mappings: deprecated

  • client_options.mapping.transform: a Transform to apply to events.

  • client_options.mapping.drop_fields: a list of field paths to be dropped from the data before being processed and retained.

Mapping Fields Deprecated

The client_options.mapping.rename_only and client_options.mapping.mappings fields have been deprecated in favor of client_options.mapping.transform. Please see associated documentation for use of the transform config.


If the data ingested in LimaCharlie is text (a syslog line for example), you may automatically parse it into a JSON format. To do this, you need to define the client_options.mapping.parsing_re option. It should contain a regular expression with named capture groups.

For example, if an ingested log line is:

Nov 09 10:57:09 penguin PackageKit[21212]: daemon quit

you could apply the following regular expression as parsing_re:

(?P<date>... \d\d \d\d:\d\d:\d\d) (?P<host>.+) (?P<exe>.+?)\[(?P<pid>\d+)\]: (?P<msg>.*)

which would result in the following event in LimaCharlie:

  "date": "Nov 09 10:57:09",
  "host": "penguin",
  "exe": "PackageKit",
  "pid": "21212",
  "msg": "daemon quit"


LimaCharlie has a few core constructs that all events and sensors have.

  • Sensor ID

  • Hostname

  • Event Type

  • Event Time

You may specify certain fields from the JSON logs to be extracted into these common fields.

This process is done by specifying the "path" to the relevant field in the JSON data. Paths are like a directory path using / for each sub directory except that in our case, they describe how to get to the relevant field from the top level of the JSON.

For example, using this event:

  "a": "x",
  "b": "y",
  "c": {
    "d": {
      "e": "z"

The following paths would yield the following results:

  • a: x

  • b: y

  • c/d/e: z

The following extractors can be specified:

  • client_options.mapping.sensor_key_path: indicates which component of the events represent unique sensor identifiers.

  • client_options.mapping.sensor_hostname_path: indicates which component of the event represents the hostname of the resulting Sensor in LimaCharlie.

  • client_options.mapping.event_type_path: indicates which component of the event represents the Event Type of the resulting event in LimaCharlie. It also supports template strings based on each event.

  • client_options.mapping.event_time_path: indicates which component of the event represents the Event Time of the resulting event in LimaCharlie.


Indexing occurs in one of 3 ways:

  1. By the built-in indexer for specific platforms like Carbon Black.

  2. By a generic indexer applied to all fields if no built-in indexer was available.

  3. Optionally, user-specific indexing guidelines.

User Defined Indexing

An Adapter can be configured to do custom indexing on the data it feeds.

This is done by setting the indexing element in the client_options. This field contains a list of index descriptors.

An index descriptor can have the following fields:

  • events_included: optionally, a list of event_type that this descriptor applies to.

  • events_excluded: optionally, a list of event_type this descriptor does not apply to.

  • path: the element path this descriptor targets, like user/metadata/user_id.

  • regexp: optionally, a regular expression used on the path field to extract the item to index, like email: (.+).

  • index_type: the category of index the value extracted belongs to, like user or file_hash.

Here is an example of a simple index descriptor:

  - PutObject
path: userAgent
index_type: user

Put together in a client option, you could have:

  "client_options": {
    "indexing": [{
      "events_included": ["PutObject"],
      "path": "userAgent",
      "index_type": "user"
    }, {
      "events_included": ["DelObject"],
      "path": "original_user/userAgent",
      "index_type": "user"

Supported Indexes

This is the list of currently supported index types:

  • file_hash

  • file_path

  • file_name

  • domain

  • ip

  • user

  • service_name

  • package_name

Sensor IDs

USP Clients generate LimaCharlie Sensors at runtime. The ID of those sensors (SID) is generated based on the Organization ID (OID) and the Sensor Seed Key.

This implies that if want to re-key an IID (perhaps it was leaked), you may replace the IID with a new valid one. As long as you use the same OID and Sensor Seed Key, the generated SIDs will be stable despite the IID change.

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